Structured Teaching Program

Tues Morning Registrar Teaching Feb 2013, Port Moresby Emergency Department


Dr Will Davies (Oilsearch) presents a workshop on the Oxylog 3000+ for the registrars at Port Moresby Emergency Department – Feb 2013


  • Structured Teaching program in Port Moresby Emergency Department
    • Protected Registrar Teaching program 9am – 10am every Tuesday and Friday mornings
    • Teaching Program is facilitated by Dr Desmond Aisi – Coordinator of Continuing Medical Education in Port Moresby Emergency Department
    • Layout of teaching sessions
      • Program starts off with “In a nutshell” (I.A.N.S) presentations of a current case in the department that has interesting learning aspects – usually presented by a resident under supervision of one of the registrars.
      • Followed by a main speaker (usually a registrar) that presents on a prepared topic. List of presenters and topics have been placed on the notice board several months ahead of time.
    • Copy of teaching schedule from Feb 2013 attached below.

      Registrar Teaching Program – list of speakers and topics. Feb 2013, Port Moresby Emergency Department



Emergency Medicine Training Program in PNG

  • There is a 5 year post-graduate training program for doctors wanting to specialise in emergency medicine in PNG
  • The program is run through the University of PNG Medical Faculty
  • Rough outline of the program for trainees:
    • 1 year of surgery
    • 1 year of anaesthesia
    • 6 months Internal medicine
    • 6 months Paediatrics
    • 6 months Obs & Gynae
    • 1 month each of psychiatry, dermatology, ENT and Ophthalmology.
    • 6-12 months in an Australian ED or equivalent
    • remaining 6-12 months in Emergency Medicine in PNG
    • Final fellowship exam


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