There are several ways you can support emergency medicine in Papua New Guinea.
1. Projects and Activities that you can get involved in:
- Program delivery opportunities: Masters program, HEO program delivery Madang, APLS, PTC, Snake Bite, ATLS, Advanced Complex Medical Emergencies (ACME), Emergency Life Support (ELS)
- Research project opportunities: ask Dr John Tsiperau, Snake bite with Dr Simon Jensen (with link to AVRU and IEMSIG article on RCT), effectiveness of ED Training program
- Med Faculty teaching for medical students: ask Dr Desmond Aisi (Continueing Professional Development Coordinator – POM ED)
- Registrar teaching program Tues and Fridays: ask Dr Desmond Aisi (Continueing Professional Development Coordinator – POM ED)
- ED training manual creation
- Sort stock room
2. Make a Monetary Donation
– this is in the process of being developed…
– One of the biggest issues is accommodation and safety of visiting emergency doctors. Donations would go to paying for safe accommodation in PNG during visits.
3. Make a Donation of equipment or books
Here is a list of equipment that emergency departments in PNG really need. This list has been compiled after consultation with local PNG emergency staff.
If your hospital is able to collect or purchase these items for donation, it would be immensely appreciated.
If you need assistance in shipping these items to PNG please email or the team at who have kindly offered to make space in their freight containers for donated medical equipment.
- AIRWAY – laryngoscopes / ET tubes / guedel airways / bag masks / ventilators / O2 cylinder guage and regulators / portable Sats probes
- CIRCULATION – Sharpsbins / cardiac monitors / BP cuffs / intraosseous set /arterial line set / Central Venous Line kits (adults & Paeds) / ECG machine
- OTHER – medical text books, resus mannequins for training, access to online medical text books
Specific wish-list as of 6th April 2017:
9. 4-Glucometers. Prefer Braun or AccuCheck devices where strips are available in our pharmacy here.
Photo library of Previous Donations to PNG medicine: click here

Dr Colin Banks, visiting Emergency Specialist from Townsville, donates laptop to Port Moresby Emergency Department Teaching Program via Dr Desmond Aisi (Teaching Coordinator) and Dr Sonny Kibob in background – March 2013

Dr Colin Banks, visiting Emergency Specialist from Townsville, donates Digital Projector to Port Moresby Emergency Department Teaching Program via Dr Desmond Aisi (Teaching Coordinator) and Dr Sonny Kibob in background – March 2013

Textbooks from Books4PNGkids donated to the Medical Faculty Library, Port Moresby. From Left to Right – books delivered by Brisbane-based ED Registrar Zafar Smith, Assistant Medical Librarian Mr Matap Embaku, Library Officer Linda Digara, and Library security guard Mr Janai Goglai – Mar 2013

Mater Children’s Emergency department (Brisbane) donation Feb 2013 – delivered by ED reg Zafar Smith, presented to Sister Rayleen Tafatu Nurse Unit Manager for Port Moresby Emergency – Feb 2013.
Resus equipment: ambu bags, face masks, ET tubes – thanks to nurse CB for coordinating accumulation of goods from Mater.
See related video of Sister Tafatu mentioning donation of goods.