
Welcome to the “Emergency Medicine PNG” website!

We hope you find this resource helpful in your endeavours.

The aim of this website is

  • to help promote emergency medicine in Papua New Guinea
  • by providing detailed information to assist
  • emergency doctors from Australia / NZ & overseas who want to
  • work in a PNG emergency department.

Target audience is

  • Emergency Registrars / Consultants
  • Other specialty Doctors (General Medicine, ICU, Anaesthetics, GP…)
  • Interns / Residents / Med students
  • Nurses / Medical staff
  • from Australia / NZ / overseas
  • that want to work for short / long periods of time
  • in a PNG emergency department

PLEASE NOTE: THIS IS NOT THE WEBSITE OF THE PNG MEDICAL BOARD, please do not send correspondence requesting medical registration information. This is a personal website, without endorsement by any government agency.

Zafar is an emergency medicine registrar currently working in Brisbane, Australia.

Zafar grew up in Papua New Guinea, but did his medical degree in Otago University, New Zealand.

He is interested in Pacific Island Health and Paediatric Emergency Medicine.

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